Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rima XI: “Yo soy ardiente, yo soy morena”

written by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
[I] pp. 358

Bécquer’s poem talks about the tragic search for love. The poet rejects the first woman, la morena, then la rubia in favor of una fantasma, an impossible love. He chases a love he cannot have and rejects the ones he can.

He uses an estribillo of “¿A mí me __? – No __.” and anaphora of “yo soy.” He also uses a metaphor in “yo soy un sueño” and hyperbaton. It has rima consonante in los versos impares and is written in first person. It has four voices.

-poesía romántica y modernista del siglo XIX

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