Thursday, May 14, 2009


Analyze the theme of a poem, using poetic devices, etc.

Poetic devices:

hiperbole: exaggeration

personificación: giving inanimate object human qualities

símil: comparison with like or as

antithesis: having two words with opposite meanings close to each other

sinestesia: the mixing of different senses (to hear colors, etc.)

ánafora: repetition at the beginning various verses

estribillo: a refrain, repeated between stanzas

aliteración: repetition of a sound in a line

hipérbaton: intentional mixing of the syntax (order) of a sentence

metáfora: comparison without like or as

metonimia: when something is called something that is related to it; reference by close relation

sinécdoque: when something is called something that makes it up; part for the whole

alegoría: symbolic narrative

símbolo: when something represents something else


arte mayor: more than 8 syllables; has a heavier tone

arte menor: less than 8 syllables

llanos: counted number of syllables is the same as poetic syllables

agudos: stress on last syllable; +1 to poetic syllables

esdrújula: stress on antipenultimate syllable; -1 to poetic syllables


asonante: when the ending vowels of two lines are the same

consonante: when the ending vowels and consonants of two lines are the same

libre: no rhyme scheme

Types of poems:

romance: origins from the pueblos; written by Christians who adopted a Muslim point of view; can be recited or sung very easily (not written down); written to entertain

soneto: made up of 3 cuartetos and 2 tercetos; usually, el autor planta la idea en los primeros cuartetos and has a conclusion in the tercetos; Italian sonnet has abba abba cde cde rhyme scheme; English sonnet has abba cddc efg efg rhyme scheme; 16 syllables, 14 lines; "perfection"

redondillo: short lines possibly with rhyming; characterized by the sing-songy tone

Other terms:

pares: even (as in lines)

impares: odd (as in lines)